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  • david.smith01

    Exactly what do you mean by only recordings from 1 camera? Are you viewing locally vs. Blurams cloud? If it's locally you are having a problem with the SD installed on the camera that you cannot see a recording because it's not taking place. A good place to start troubleshooting is to switch SD cards between the two cameras. If that allows recording on the previously non-recording camera that solves the problem. You should probably purchase another SD card that complies to BluRams specs. If that doesn't work try uninstalling the non-recording camera the install it again. If that doesn't help or you are dealing with a cloud recording problem, you should contact BluRams. It may be a defective camera that cannot record locally or there is some mix-up with your cloud account.

  • neis

    I am using the Bluerams cloud.

    I have 2 cameras. The one works find and records. I pay $4.99 monthly for recordings. 

    I just bought a 2nd plan to record on the 2nd camera, but I do not know how to connect the $89.99 I paid thru Pay pay for the 2nd camera to record.


  • david.smith01

    I understand. If you have successfully conected one camera already, then you know how to navigate the app to connect the second. At this point I think you have no option but to contact BluRams customer service and have them sort it out. You obviously are unable to fully use the account you paid for. It may be something internal at BluRams or a configuration problem at your end. I would let BluRams sort the problem out. They have always been friendly when I have delt with them. Good luck Neis.

  • neis

    I do not have a contact for them. I thought I was speaking with someone from Blueram.

    Can you provide a contact for Blueram?

  • david.smith01

    Sorry all I can provide is the contact by email address found on this site. However from what I can determine, it appears you may have a problem with the microSD card inserted into the cam experiencing the problem. It's important the card is formatted in either FAT32 or exFAT, it's my understanding NTFS will not work. It could be a problem with the particular brand of microSD card as well. It seems they can be tricky at times. The official BluRams support email is:

    To avoid any confusion, I am not connected with BluRams at all. I am just a satisfied user who has decades of experience with IT hardware and software support. I also picked up VFW during the days of ICU(?) webcamming as a hobby. Video For Windows fascinated back then. I went on to learn all the methods and development of video compression, those people are geniuses.


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