Timestamp is wrong but the timezone is correct
Timezone is correct for my local area but the time shown on the device is about 10hrs out.
I've restarted the device, still the same.
I am having the same issue. My timezone is GMT+0 however the timestamp seems to be GMT+8 for some reason
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Here's a little more data. My model A31 camera's live view timestamp is one hour behind my local Pacific time zone; oddly, its motion-triggered short video timestamps show the true time. My model S20 camera's live view timestamp and its motion triggered short video recordings both show the true time. Both (A31 and S20) are connected to the same home wifi extender. Evidently both have the latest firmware. Rebooting my A31 camera twice (from the app) did not solve the problem.
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I guess Blurams has no interest in solving this issue!
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A31 camera same issue. I changed time zone to Arizona. Seems to have fixed it. I suppose if you have to use your camera for legal purposes in the future one might be able to argue your evidence.
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I don't think that's a good solution variant_13, not for legal purposes. The could be conflicting data there. You may be able to use it to prove what is going on.
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That’s the point, legality. But if you don’t take action what other avenues are there. I seriously doubt this bug would ever be validated as a flaw. One would never be able to rely on the camera for any legal purpose if the time stamp is hours incorrect. A simple argument can be made if this is broken in the software or firmware what else is broken!
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Camera is useless if you can’t prove watermarks or time stamps.
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I found by setting the timezone to another territory, exit the app, reopen, open the live view, set to local zone, exit app, reopen, it's then correct.
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